
Just to say a big thank you for yesterday. C thoroughly enjoyed it and didn't stop talking about it until bedtime! She had found the stable visit in the morning challenging as the instructor was quite abrupt and it had knocked her confidence. So it was great that she had such a positive experience in the afternoon with you. She would very much like to come back and work with you again.
- Parent

When C started visiting Jade at the stables she was very quiet and reserved. It has been lovely to watch her develop her confidence and her belief in herself. She absolutely loves the ponies and spending time with them. It truly is her happy space. Jade provides such a lovely, nurturing environment and C has really blossomed. A college interviewer recently commented that C had given a great interview with maturity and confidence. I know that this was in part was down to the time spent at the stables. Thank you Jade.
- Parent

The positive energy exudes at this facility. Jade's unfaltering commitment to share her passion for horsemanship and its therapeutic benefits with the children is amazing. B has developed resilience and confidence and has discovered a better sense of self. He is more aware of his emotional self and regulation which has had a positive impact on his well-being. He has also developed some wonderful supportive relationships.
- Parent

I thought spending time with horses and Jade would be good for J as he loves animals and enjoys being active. He also has trouble sleeping, which can mean he is tired at school, so being outside and physically active is really important. It is really good for his confidence to have one to one time with someone who listens to him and makes him feel valued.
- Parent

I have been visiting Jade's yard for 3 years now and have loved every minute of it. I really enjoy spending time with the ponies, and Jade gives me lots of time and space to work things out independently when needed. She is extremely patient and kind which has helped to bring out confidence I never knew I had.
- Student

A has been watching horse shows and then writing notes...been listening to her sounding out/phonics. Her ADHD usually has her wanting to go fast which results in a bunch of illegible letters. I've just seen what she wrote and can clearly read it without checking in. The change and positive impact you and your herd are having to A is amazing.
- Parent